Finish It for Fall 2023

We love to celebrate your finished projects! Twice a year, we motivate you to wrap up any lingering WIPs so you can cast on something new with a clear conscience - and enjoy wearing (or gifting) your hard work. Each project* you finish before September 30 earns an entry into our prize drawing, and the grand prize is a $100 gift certificate to Uncommon Threads!
*Which projects are eligible for our prize drawing?
Anything you've finished since March 1, 2023 using more than 50% yarn purchased at Uncommon Threads is valid for entering. It doesn't matter when you started it, as long as it's finished between March 1, 2023 and September 30, 2023. Enter as many projects as you can! All yarn crafts are welcome: knitting, crochet, weaving, felting.
How to enter?
Follow this link to our submission form. Be sure to include all the information - yarn, pattern, and a photo - with each entry.
Good luck and happy finishing!